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Version: 8.0.1

Crash Reporting

This feature is automatically activated.
It is available in both debug and release flavours of the SDK.

With basic integration, Finotes will track and report uncaught exceptions to Finotes dashboard automatically.
Head over to How To Integrate section to complete the basic integration.

Block Finotes from Reporting Crashes


The API Fn.preventCrashReporting() is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the following annotation based API.

In case developers want to prevent Finotes from reporting uncaught exceptions that causes app to force close, set disableCrashReporting in @FnObserve annotation.

@FnObserve(disableCrashReporting = true)
public class BlogApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {

Whitelisting Crash Reports


This API is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Once the API is removed, this feature will not be supported.

Developers can whitelist crash reporting using Fn.whiteListCrashes() API.

public class BlogApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Fn.whiteListCrashes(NullPointerException.class, OutOfMemoryError.class);

Fn.whiteListCrashes() API takes exceptions and error classes as arguments separated by coma.
Once called, only crashes that are whitelisted using this API will be reported in Finotes dashboard.

Whitelisting crashes using Fn.whiteListCrashes() API will not work if Fn.preventCrashReporting() is called.