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Version: 6.1.0

Data Points Collected

Global annotation to filter data points collected by the SDK.


The @Observe annotation based API is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use maskedDeviceData key in @FnObserve instead of DataBlackList key in @Observe.

Finotes SDK automatically collects multiple data points in-order to help developers get in-depth information on the issues reported.

Using maskedDeviceData in @FnObserve annotation, developers can prevent SDK from collecting and sending these data points to the dashboard.

@FnObserve(maskedDeviceData = {"model", "brand"})
public class BlogApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {

Below are some of the data points collected by the SDK and corresponding keys that can be used in @FnObserve annotation to blacklist each of the data points.

Model of the device

@FnObserve annotation key:model

Brand of the device

@FnObserve annotation key:brand

Name of the device manufacturer

@FnObserve annotation key:manufacturer

Internal OS version running on the device

@FnObserve annotation key:customOs

Information collected from the android telephony manager API

@FnObserve annotation key:telephonyData

Data points like carrier details, SIM service provide details, WiFi signal strength are collected using the telephony manager API.

Display information of the device

@FnObserve annotation key:buildDisplay

Internal version of the OS version running in the device

@FnObserve annotation key:osVersion

Current battery level of the device

@FnObserve annotation key:batteryLevel

Elapsed time of the device since last reboot

@FnObserve annotation key:lastRebootTime

Current timezone offset of the device

@FnObserve annotation key:timezoneOffset